Recession-Proofing Your Finances: Understanding What a Recession Is and How You Can Prepare

A recession is a period of economic decline, characterized by a decrease in gross domestic product (GDP) for at least two consecutive quarters. Recessions are often accompanied by high unemployment, reduced consumer spending, and a drop in stock prices. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a financial crisis, an oil …

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Futures Trading 101: Understanding the Basics, History, and Differences from Stocks

Futures trading is a type of investment that involves buying or selling a financial contract at a set date in the future. These contracts are based on commodities, currencies, and other financial instruments, such as stock indexes. The purpose of futures trading is to speculate on the future price of the underlying asset or to …

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A Beginner’s Guide to Options Trading: Understanding the History, Greeks, and Basic Mechanics

Options trading is a type of financial instrument that has a long history dating back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The concept of options trading can be traced back to the early days of commerce, where merchants would use options contracts to hedge against the risk of crop failures or other uncertainties.  In the …

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